The Talmid Chochom Is With the Shechinah (Shemini 5782) |
Rabbi Fishman |
03/23/2022 כ' אדר ב' ה'תשפ"ב |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
The Different Parts of Sippur Yetzias Mitzrayim in the Haggadah (5782) |
Rosh HaYeshiva |
03/26/2022 כ"ג אדר ב' ה'תשפ"ב |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
Yetzias Mitzrayim is the Basis of Our Connection With Hashem (Pesach 5782) |
Rosh HaYeshiva |
03/27/2022 כ"ד אדר ב' ה'תשפ"ב |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
Haggadah- Ke'ilu Hu Yatza mi'Mitzrayim (5782) |
Rabbi Shurkin |
04/11/2022 י' ניסן ה'תשפ"ב |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
Why Women Are Patur From Haggadah (5782) |
Rabbi Shurkin |
04/12/2022 י"א ניסן ה'תשפ"ב |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
The Tragedy of Lot's Life (Vayeira 5782) |
Rosh HaYeshiva |
10/18/2021 י"ב חשון ה'תשפ"ב |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
Midas Sdom vs Ahavas Chesed (Vayeira 5782) |
Rabbi Fishman |
10/20/2021 י"ד חשון ה'תשפ"ב |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
Bava Metzia #3- How Is the Mafkid Makneh Kefel (5782) |
Rosh HaYeshiva |
10/23/2021 י"ז חשון ה'תשפ"ב |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
Maasim That Come From a Connection With Hashem (Chayei Sarah 5782) |
Rosh HaYeshiva |
10/25/2021 י"ט חשון ה'תשפ"ב |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
The Combination of Chesed and Avodah (Chayei Sarah 5782) |
Rabbi Fishman |
10/26/2021 כ' חשון ה'תשפ"ב |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
Bava Metzia #4- Makneh Parah L'kfeilah (5782) |
Rosh HaYeshiva |
10/30/2021 כ"ד חשון ה'תשפ"ב |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
Two Opposing Forces (Toldos 5782) |
Rosh HaYeshiva |
10/31/2021 כ"ה חשון ה'תשפ"ב |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
The Middah that Built Klal Yisroel (Toldos 5782) |
Rabbi Fishman |
11/03/2021 כ"ח חשון ה'תשפ"ב |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
Seventh Annual Yarchei Kallah |
- |
11/07/2021 ג' כסלו ה'תשפ"ב |
Categories: Videos |
Unlimited Brocho That Comes from Middas HaGevurah (Toldos #2 5782) |
Rabbi Fishman |
11/07/2021 ג' כסלו ה'תשפ"ב |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
Creating Yourself (Vayeitzei 5782) |
Rosh HaYeshiva |
11/10/2021 ו' כסלו ה'תשפ"ב |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
Bava Metzia #12- Chiyuv Hashavah and Chiyuv Onsin of a Gazlan and a Shoel (5782) |
Rosh HaYeshiva |
02/05/2022 ד' אדר א' ה'תשפ"ב |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
The Opportunity to Bring Hashroas HaShechinah (Tetzaveh 5782) |
Rabbi Fishman |
02/09/2022 ח' אדר א' ה'תשפ"ב |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
The Tools to Connect to HaKodosh Boruch Hu (Ki Sisa 5782) |
Rosh HaYeshiva |
02/13/2022 י"ב אדר א' ה'תשפ"ב |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
Only Betzalel Could Make the Mishkan (Ki Sisa 5782) |
Rabbi Fishman |
02/16/2022 ט"ו אדר א' ה'תשפ"ב |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
Bava Metzia #14- A Shomer Who Becomes A Gazlan (5782) |
Rosh HaYeshiva |
02/19/2022 י"ח אדר א' ה'תשפ"ב |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
The Eternal Bris of Shabbos Kodesh (Vayakhel 5782) |
Rosh HaYeshiva |
02/20/2022 י"ט אדר א' ה'תשפ"ב |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
Nedivus Lev Brings Shechinah (Vayakhel 5782) |
Rabbi Fishman |
02/23/2022 כ"ב אדר א' ה'תשפ"ב |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
Adar Rishon and Adar Sheni (5782) |
Rosh HaYeshiva |
02/26/2022 כ"ה אדר א' ה'תשפ"ב |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
Discussing Moshiach and Reaction to a War (Pekudei 5782) |
Rosh HaYeshiva |
02/27/2022 כ"ו אדר א' ה'תשפ"ב |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |