Important Notices & Updates

  • ANNUAL DINNER.  The 42nd anniversary dinner will be on Sunday, February 16th at the Newark Airport Marriott.  Visit to make reservations and for more information.
  • DEADLINE FOR JOURNAL ADS.  The deadline for ads in this year's dinner journal is this Friday, February 7thVisit the dinner website to place your ads and for more information.

Recent Audio Shiurim

Sefer Shemos Bo The Basis of Emunah & Acting Like Kings (Bo 5785) Rabbi Shurkin

Recent Written Shiurim

Mazel Tovs

  • Mazel tov to Menachem Hochberg ('19-'23) on his recent engagement!
  • Mazel tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Yeshaya Shurkin on the birth of a baby boy!
  • Mazel tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Eitan Rennert (’19-‘23) on the birth of a baby boy!
  • Mazel tov to Tzvi Siegel (’21-’22) on his recent marriage!
  • Mazel tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Avrohom Meiselman on the birth of a baby boy! Mazel tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Naftali Meiselman and Rabbi & Mrs. Eliyahu Meiselman on the birth of a grandson!
  • Mazel tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Shimon Grunin ('04-'07) on the birth of a baby boy!
  • Mazel tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Simcha Kraines ('09-'16) on the birth of a baby boy!
  • Mazel tov to Mendy Weinreb ('20-'24) on his recent engagement!
  • Mazel tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Pinchas Greenspan ('15-'19) on the birth of a baby boy!
  • Mazel tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Noach Peled ('95-'96) on the engagement of their daughter!

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