Shabbos #1- Akira and Hanacha in Yad and Guf, 3a-b (5784) |
Rosh HaYeshiva |
10/28/2023 י"ג חשון ה'תשפ"ד |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
A Society Without Absolute Laws (Vayeira 5784) |
Rosh HaYeshiva |
10/29/2023 י"ד חשון ה'תשפ"ד |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
The Real Middas HaChesed (Vayeira 5784) |
Rabbi Fishman |
11/01/2023 י"ז חשון ה'תשפ"ד |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
Appreciate What It Means to Live on a High Spiritual Level (Behaaloscha 5783) |
Rosh HaYeshiva |
05/29/2023 ט' סיון ה'תשפ"ג |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
The Torah That Is Lost When a Melamed Torah Is Niftar (Divrei Hesped for Rav Gershon) |
Rabbi Fishman |
05/31/2023 י"א סיון ה'תשפ"ג |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
Sanhedrin #2- Chiyuv Hatzalah, Pikuach Nefesh and the Status of an Ubar (5783) |
Rosh HaYeshiva |
06/03/2023 י"ד סיון ה'תשפ"ג |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
Interpreting What You See (Shlach 5783) |
Rabbi Fishman |
06/07/2023 י"ח סיון ה'תשפ"ג |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
Appreciating the Gifts that Hashem Gives Us (Shlach 5783) |
Rosh HaYeshiva |
06/05/2023 ט"ז סיון ה'תשפ"ג |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
You Need a Mesorah to Interpret the Torah (Korach 5783) |
Rosh HaYeshiva |
06/11/2023 כ"ב סיון ה'תשפ"ג |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
Give Them Nachas! (Korach 5783) |
Rabbi Fishman |
06/14/2023 כ"ה סיון ה'תשפ"ג |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
Consequences for Not Taking Torah Seriously (Chukas 5783) |
Rosh HaYeshiva |
06/19/2023 ל' סיון ה'תשפ"ג |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
Cheshbonos That Look to the Future (Chukas 5783) |
Rabbi Fishman |
06/21/2023 ב' תמוז ה'תשפ"ג |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
Foundations of Being a Jew (Yisro 5783) |
Rosh HaYeshiva |
02/04/2023 י"ג שבט ה'תשפ"ג |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
Foundations of Being a Jew (Yisro 5783) |
Rosh HaYeshiva |
02/06/2023 ט"ו שבט ה'תשפ"ג |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
The World Runs According to Our Maasim (Yisro 5783) |
Rabbi Fishman |
02/08/2023 י"ז שבט ה'תשפ"ג |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
Bava Kamma #12- Aino Birshuso and Kinyanei Geneiva (5783) |
Rosh HaYeshiva |
02/11/2023 כ' שבט ה'תשפ"ג |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
The Halachos That Are Part of Kabbolas HaTorah (Mishpatim 5783) |
Rosh HaYeshiva |
02/13/2023 כ"ב שבט ה'תשפ"ג |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
The Two Stages of Kabbolas HaTorah (Mishpatim 5783) |
Rabbi Fishman |
02/15/2023 כ"ד שבט ה'תשפ"ג |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
Honest Relationships in the Megillah (Terumah 5783) |
Rosh HaYeshiva |
02/20/2023 כ"ט שבט ה'תשפ"ג |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
The Shechinah Comes to Rest in Our Maasim (Terumah 5783) |
Rabbi Fishman |
02/22/2023 א' אדר ה'תשפ"ג |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
A Jew Lives a Life of Kedushah (Emor 5783) |
Rosh HaYeshiva |
04/30/2023 ט' אייר ה'תשפ"ג |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
The Special Tekufa of Sefiras Haomer (Emor 5783) |
Rabbi Fishman |
05/03/2023 י"ב אייר ה'תשפ"ג |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
We Are Living in Hashem's World (Behar-Bechukosai 5783) |
Rosh HaYeshiva |
05/07/2023 ט"ז אייר ה'תשפ"ג |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
A Life of Halichah BaTorah (Behar-Bechukosai-5783) |
Rabbi Fishman |
05/10/2023 י"ט אייר ה'תשפ"ג |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |
Sanhedrin #1- Ben Sorer U'moreh, Ba B'machteres and Rodef (5783) |
Rosh HaYeshiva |
05/13/2023 כ"ב אייר ה'תשפ"ג |
Categories: Shiurim Videos |