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3 of 53 results
Title Magid Shiur Date Listen / Read Save
Using a Shabbos Clock for a Hotplate & Al Hanisim on Purim Night (Vayakhel 5776) Rabbi Shurkin


כ"ד אדר א' ה'תשע"ו

Categories: Sefer Shemos, Vayakhel, Weekly Parsha, Moadim, Purim
Women's Obligation in Binyan Beis Hamikdosh & Standing for Women (Vayakhel 5779) Rabbi Klein


כ"ד אדר א' ה'תשע"ט

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Categories: Sefer Shemos, Vayakhel, Weekly Parsha
Women's Obligation in Binyan Beis Hamikdosh & Standing for Women (Vayakhel 5779) Rabbi Klein


כ"ד אדר א' ה'תשע"ט

Categories: Sefer Shemos, Vayakhel, Weekly Parsha