Recent Audio Shiurim

Moadim Pesach Erev Pesach Shechal B'Shabbos (Vayakhel 5785) Rabbi Klein

Gemara Gittin Perek 1 Gittin Shiur #83 Daf 9b- Ten Kizchi, Shliach Hovoah, Piraon Baal Korcho Rosh HaYeshiva

Recent Written Shiurim

Mazel Tovs

  • Mazel tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Ovadya Lowy ('14-'19) on the birth of a baby boy!
  • Mazel tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Avi Serfaty ('18-'22) on the birth of a baby boy!
  • Mazel tov to Shmuel Jacobsen ('18-'21) on his recent engagement!
  • Mazel tov to Moshe Chaim Berkowitz ('20-'25) on his recent marriage!
  • Mazel tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Dovid Yitzchak Kornreich ('92-'96) on the bar mitzvah of their son!
  • Mazel tov to Shlomo Tangy (’22-’25) on his recent marriage!
  • Mazel tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Eliyahu Meiselman on the bar mitzvah of their son!
  • Mazel tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Noach Peled ('95-'96) on the birth of a granddaughter!
  • Mazel tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Shaul Geller ('99-'04) on the bar mitzvah of their son!
  • Mazel tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Ariel Katz ('98-'02) on the bar mitzvah of their son!

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